Here’s a concise, human-readable summary of the features:
Radar, Lightning: Displays weather radar and real-time lightning strikes, using different data sources but sharing a timeline for animated playback.
Wind: Shows average wind speed 10 meters above ground, with gusts computed for the last 3 hours and a 10-day accumulation map for maximum wind intensity.
Rain, Thunder: Displays rain/snow accumulation for the last 3 hours with a lightning density forecast.
Rain/Snow Accumulation: Forecasts total rain or snow accumulation over the next hours or days.
Snow Depth: Predicts snow depth, influenced by various factors like terrain and urban areas.
Precipitation Type: Indicates types of precipitation (rain, snow, sleet, etc.).
Thunderstorms: Counts lightning flashes per square kilometer per day.
Temperature: Shows temperature 2 meters above ground.
Dew Point: Temperature at which air moisture forms dew.
Humidity: Relative humidity 2 meters above ground.
Freezing Altitude: Altitude where temperature hits 0°C.
Wet Bulb Temperature: Lowest temperature via evaporative cooling, critical at 35°C.
Solar Power: Amount of solar radiation reaching the Earth's surface.
UV Index: Measures the sunburn-producing UV radiation strength.
Clouds: Shows cloud cover at different altitudes and their rain/snow accumulation.
Fog: Displays fog conditions, influenced by local factors.
Visibility: Measures how far objects or light can be clearly seen.
CAPE Index: Indicates potential energy for storm formation.
Thermals: Shows thermal activity and cumulus cloud occurrence.
Waves: Significant wave height and period, combining swell and wind waves.
Sea Temperature: Estimates sea surface temperature.
Currents: Displays surface sea currents.
Tidal Currents: Tidal movements influenced by Earth, sun, and moon.
CO Concentration: Carbon monoxide levels in the air.
Dust Mass: Concentration of dust particles in the air.
SO2 Mass: Sulfur dioxide concentration, often from volcanic activity or fossil fuels.
Ozone Layer: Total column of ozone, affecting UV radiation.
Soil Moisture: Amount of water available to plants in the soil.
Moisture Anomaly: Deviation of soil moisture from average levels.
Drought Intensity: Compares current soil water with historical levels for drought assessment.
Pressure: Atmospheric pressure at sea level.
Weather Warnings: Alerts from national weather agencies.