Dear Windy team,
Here is a feature I am deeply missing within Windy:
I like to call it hierarchically organized presets.
The problem:
When I am preparing a certain activity, like sailplane flying in the eastern alps, sailing on my local lake, a transatlantic IFR flight etc etc, I have a certain way how I proceed with my weather briefing.
Lets pick the sailplane flying:
First I want to get an idea about the large scale weather situation.
1.) Zoom and pan to see whole Europe, select ECMWF, select pressure, switch on pressure lines
2.) same zoom, same model, select air temperature, select 700hPa altitude
Then I analyze the local weather
3.) Zoom and pan to alps, select local weather model, select cloud coverage, no pressure lines
4.) same zoom, same model, select wind, select 1500m altitude
5.) etc etc
I spend almost the same time choosing the particular settings in Windy as for the actual analysis of the presented data. Even worse, I have to remember the best order and particular settings for my weather briefing. And these might change significantly depending on the activity.
It would be great so save ALL settings for a particular rendering and store them in a named dataset. These datasets I would like to order in a hierarchical structure, move them around, change the order, delete them. I would like to easily recall these sets, so I can do a quick, structured weather analysis depending on my activity.
Is this already possible, maybe with external plugins?
Would this be something you might want to implement?