San Jose, California (USA) has been incorrectly spelled for the few years I've used the windy app on Android. It is listed throughout the app including the widget by its phonetic spelling "sean hou'zei". Please correct to San Jose. Thank you.
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Incorrect Major US City Listing
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RE: My City is Misspelled
@Ondřej-Šutera Hello sir, I very much appreciate your response. This is not an issue regarding a political spelling nor a misspelling on Open Maps. In fact, the Windy app spells "San Jose" correctly throughout except when my GPS initially fetches my neighborhood and city, for instance when long pressing the home button so my local forecast comes up. There it spells San Jose phonetically like this: "se * n hou'ze", where the asterisk represents an upside down "e", commonly referred to a schwa. Again, this is a phonetic spelling, an aid to pronouncing the syllables. I thank you for reading my message and as you are so far away it may just be something I'll have to live with as it's not a priority. But this is different to misspellings due to political conflict nor is there a similar misspelling on Open Maps. It's simply a weird legacy bug, I suspect. Anyhow, Thanks.
My City is Misspelled
My city, San Jose, California, has been misspelled on Windy forever. A phonetic spelling is used instead of the correct spelling. This is easily fixed if the developer reads this message.
Incorrect Major US City Listing
San Jose, California (USA) has been incorrectly spelled for the few years I've used the windy app on Android. It is listed throughout the app including the widget by its phonetic spelling "sean hou'zei". Please correct to San Jose. Thank you.
RE: Premium subscribers will get premium support
Thank you! That's great news. I'm looking forward to learning why "San Jose" California (USA) is spelled "sean hou zei" everywhere in the app🙂
Spelling of San Jose (CA) is incorrect
Hi, on the android app, San Jose (California) is represented by what appears to be a phonetic spelling "Sean hou'zer" instead of "San Jose". I'm not talking about the map but in the header for one's local weather. This has been a persistent issue for some years now. I'm just finally reporting it. Thank you.
RE: No Data
KMUX radar in Santa Clara county (SF Bay Area, California) is fully operational but the Windy app has been showing no data on and off all week. Be nice to know Windy is aware of the problem. Haven't read the entire thread yet so perhaps they are already aware.