Hi there,
I need help with my account.
I am the captain of a boat. I enjoy using your service on my phone, and on my laptop.
I signed up for your premium service, so that I would be able to see all the same forecast models on my phone that I can see on my desktop.
First problem is that when I signed up it never asked me for a password!
Just an email.
When I tried to login via my phone it couldn't find my account.
So I finally tried the "restore previous purchases" method.
It told me my account was assigned to one of my other email accounts.
even though under account details it clearly shows my other email address.
Currently the account login is under surfphotography@gmail.com.
If you look at the attached screenshots you'll see the account details show
The main issue, do I need separate accounts to be able to use it on my phone, and on my laptop?
If this is the case, then you can cancel my service.
Please advise.