Thanks for the assistance. Now that I know the detailed forecast data window is likely to be the more accurate, I will focus on that in future.
Otherwise, thanks for a great App!
Thanks for the assistance. Now that I know the detailed forecast data window is likely to be the more accurate, I will focus on that in future.
Otherwise, thanks for a great App!
Thanks for the assistance. Now that I know the detailed forecast data window is likely to be the more accurate, I will focus on that in future.
Otherwise, thanks for a great App!
@Korina, @Filip_K: Thanks for the responses. I am using Firefox. Here is a full screen image I just generated. To remove any confusion over the use of Favourites, I just clicked on a point on the map and scrolled forwards in the forecast until I saw a divergence in the wind direction indicated by the animation and that indicated on the Basic Forecast display, at a given time. I am looking at the surface wind.
Sorry it has taken me a while to get back to this post.
This issue is not always present and so may be difficult to replicate. However, it occurs frequently enough that I am unsure whether to go paragliding or not.
The wind picker seems to stay on at the same time as the meteogram when I select one of my favourite locations.
Re: Problem: Wind spot forecast differs from animation
The above issue was raised in 2018, but I can't find any indication that it was resolved.
I regularly notice the same issue. The basic forecast graphic window shows a different wind direction to that of the particle animation or spot picker on the map. As far as I know, I am only looking at the ECMWF model data. I think I have switched off all layers that could be causing "interference" of different model data.
Here is an example:
The issue appears to be more prevalent at lower wind speeds, but I have not extensively tested that.
So which prediction do I believe?
@korina Sorry, I haven't checked in on this conversation for a while. Thank you! The bug is resolved. Excellent service!
Before pushing the login button:
After pushing the login button:
@petra-pik Android 8.0.0. Windy version 28.1.1. I have tried reinstalling, but the problem remains.
I recently installed the Windy App on a new Android phone (Samsung A5, 2017). When I click on "Login", all the menus disappear and I can go no further. It happens for all the top four menu items (Login, Settings, Windy Premium & Find my location), which all appear to be greyed out.