said in Do you miss historical data on Windy? Here's what to do:
? Leave the comment bellow, that we know you're interested.
Looking forward to your feedback.
Highly appreciate if you can bring back historical data.
said in Do you miss historical data on Windy? Here's what to do:
? Leave the comment bellow, that we know you're interested.
Looking forward to your feedback.
Highly appreciate if you can bring back historical data.
Is it possible to display wind, temperature, gusts, etc. values at every 1000 ft on windy?
When I switch to FL340 in 3d mode, the wind animation stops. Only color coding is seen. However, in rest of the Flight Levels, wind animation can be seen. I tried to disabling the webGL but the problem persisted. This error does not occur in 2d mode. Also, wind direction and magnitude is not shown in 3d mode on FL 340.
Is it possible to display wind, temperature, gusts, etc. values at every 1000 ft on windy?
@meteo-GR Which interpolation would give more accurate results? I mean linear, polynomial, spline interpolation or is any other type of interpolation is used specifically for weather?
Windy displays weather values at fixed altitudes, can the wind/temperatures/gusts values be interpolated for in-between altitudes? For eg, we can know the wind values at particular location at FL300 and FL340, can we use interpolation to calculate wind values at FL310,320 and 330?
said in Do you miss historical data on Windy? Here's what to do:
? Leave the comment bellow, that we know you're interested.
Looking forward to your feedback.
Highly appreciate if you can bring back historical data.