Hi, Love your site! I'm another one of the 0.5% of users who liked the historical data function. I'm a snowboarder and it was cool to see a big dump reported then get on windytv and look at the weather set up that created the conditions for the big dump, looking back helped to look forward! Anyway keep up the good work! Cheers GG

Best posts made by gmanpadre
RE: No more historical data on Windy (maybe in the future)
Latest posts made by gmanpadre
GFS software upgrade
new GFS software upgrade has just gone live, it will be interesting to see if it is going to be more accurate in the future -
RE: No more historical data on Windy (maybe in the future)
Hi, Love your site! I'm another one of the 0.5% of users who liked the historical data function. I'm a snowboarder and it was cool to see a big dump reported then get on windytv and look at the weather set up that created the conditions for the big dump, looking back helped to look forward! Anyway keep up the good work! Cheers GG