@codeskipper said in What source of weather data Windy use?:
@ivo from what you can read at https://www.yr.no/artikkel/information-about-yr.no-1.2025949 the Norwegian national weather service use ECMWF data as just one of their sources for their own forecast model.
From comparing their Grib data with ECMWF as used in Windy now, I find the yr.no significantly more accurate, at least for my area of SW Norway.
Yr.no make their own data freely available, please see https://api.met.no.
For my area, I just use this url manually: https://api.met.no/weatherapi/gribfiles/1.1/?area=west_norway&content=weatherI would greatly appreciate for you to consider adding this data source to Windy as well, so the best interface could be used with the most accurate weather model. For starters, how about adding a feature to copy a grib file into Windy from another app?
Thank you!