The screenshot below shows two bad data points. How to get rid of these?

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RE: GoogleChrome "translates" French places?!
@korina I agree: you may not be responsible. But you do now know about it. So, maybe an entry in a FAQ somewhere?
Wrong order of icons?
Shouldn't the order be turtle, goat, hare? That would be consistent with the behavior I see.
RE: GoogleChrome "translates" French places?!
@korina - It looks like Google Translate is doing this. I managed to reproduce:
- in, go to,48.057,-1.432,10,m:eZmaf6n
- right-click the at the top of the window to bring up the context menu
- select Translate to English
- a popup shows "Detected Language" and "English". Select "Detected language" and look closely to the image. Then select "English" and seem some placenames change. Eg "Vitre" becomes "Window", "Bruz" becomes "Turquoise", and so on.
Just in case the above does not work:
By the way I was not aware that Google Translate was active at all on this site. I don't recall turning it on. Maybe Google was trying to be "helpful" in the background?
GoogleChrome "translates" French places?!
A weird one! I am zoomed in on a part of France. Some placenames seem to have been (mis-)translated into English!
Example: "Rennes" has become "reindeer", and right next to it there is a place called "Windows".
Clicking an untranslated place does what is expected: shows the forecast ribbon. Clicking a translated place does nothing.
It looks like a glitch; I can't reproduce it. It just happens sometimes. I am filing it as a bug report because it is unexpected behavior.