This is what it looks like. I can zoom in and out, but when I click on the menu in the upper left nothing happens. Since Windy works just fine on Firefox I know it has something to do with Safari.
This is what it looks like. I can zoom in and out, but when I click on the menu in the upper left nothing happens. Since Windy works just fine on Firefox I know it has something to do with Safari.
Good suggestion. I tried this and it did not work. Still unresponsive gray screen. The last time I and several others had this problem Administrator Korina sent us a note to say a patch was created which ultimately solved the problem.
Don't know if this helps, but when I opened the JavaScript Console I got the message written below. This was the only item in the console.
[Error] TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'hd.NO_ERROR')
b (index.js:1:236011)
Global Code (index.js:1:343332)
Unfortunately my cut and paste did not capture what was on the screen.
It has been 10 days since I reported this bug. Have you been able to solve this problem. Below is some additional info that may be of help to you.
Windy: Wind map & weather forecast
<a href="http://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright" target="_blank">© OpenStreetMap contributors</a>
<a target="_top">
<img class="text" alt="Windy.com" src="/img/logo201802/logo-text-windycom-white.svg" />
<a href="https://www.windy.com" target="_top">www.windy.com</a>
Re: gray screen
I am back to getting the dreaded gray screen when I try to load Windy.com on my MacBook Pro. In fact when the gray screen is up I cannot even pull down the menu in the top left. It is as though I am not connected.
I have no problem using Windy. com through Firefox. Everything works fine. My Safari is 17.1. I have cleared Windy from the cache and made sure WebGL is enable when I have logged in on Firefox.
Not sure what to do next. This seems to be a bug with Safari.
Yea! It works again. Thanks Korina for looking into this for us. Greg
None of those things worked. As I said previously, it works fine on Firefox, but the map is gray on Safari on all levels. I believe there was a recent Safari update and I suspect something in that update is causing a problem with Windy.
Don't the error logs help you identify the problem? It looks like I am not the only one.
I have the exact same symptoms as @goldiehana. The map does not show any data, only gray. It still recognizes me as a Premium member, but when I click on my profile it shows only my email (verified) and username. It then asks me to update my profile with full name, website (what does this mean?) and finally signature.
I suspect this is a Safari glitch. When I login with Firefox everything works as normal. Here are my error messages.
Error no: 1
"timestamp": 1663863124095,
"runningMs": 15,
"type": "user",
"module": "tinyrequire",
"msg": "DI error: Can not resolve GlObj module",
"line": null,
"col": null,
"url": "https://www.windy.com/",
"script": null,
"ver": "37.2.1",
"target": "index",
"stack": "@https://www.windy.com/v/37.2.1.ind.8f03/index.js:1:229891
forEach@[native code]
forEach@[native code]
forEach@[native code]
forEach@[native code]
global code@https://www.windy.com/v/37.2.1.ind.8f03/index.js:1:289589",
"deviceID": "17b78195-366a-7fa7-69ce-4d85b67d77c5",
"error": " {
"message": "Can't find variable: WebGLRenderingContext",
"line": 1,
"column": 229891,
"sourceURL": "https://www.windy.com/v/37.2.1.ind.8f03/index.js",
"stack": "@https://www.windy.com/v/37.2.1.ind.8f03/index.js:1:229891
forEach@[native code]
forEach@[native code]
forEach@[native code]
forEach@[native code]
global code@https://www.windy.com/v/37.2.1.ind.8f03/index.js:1:289589"
"isOnline": true,
"latestBcast": "store: calendar (6ms ago at 1663863124089)
store: country us (3ms ago at 1663863124092)
store: isImperial (3ms ago at 1663863124092)
store: ipLocation (3ms ago at 1663863124092)
bcast: newLocation (3ms ago at 1663863124092)",
"sessionCounter": 125,
"sessionName": "us-125",
"lang": "en",
"size": "1728x1117",
"platform": "desktop",
"errorID": "di-error-can-not-resolve-globj-module"
Error no: 2
"timestamp": 1663863124096,
"runningMs": 16,
"type": "user",
"module": "tinyrequire",
"msg": "DI error: Can not resolve testWebGl module",
"line": null,
"col": null,
"url": "https://www.windy.com/",
"script": null,
"ver": "37.2.1",
"target": "index",
"stack": "@https://www.windy.com/v/37.2.1.ind.8f03/index.js:1:236840
forEach@[native code]
forEach@[native code]
forEach@[native code]
global code@https://www.windy.com/v/37.2.1.ind.8f03/index.js:1:289589",
"deviceID": "17b78195-366a-7fa7-69ce-4d85b67d77c5",
"error": " {
"message": "Can't find variable: WebGLRenderingContext",
"line": 1,
"column": 236840,
"sourceURL": "https://www.windy.com/v/37.2.1.ind.8f03/index.js",
"stack": "@https://www.windy.com/v/37.2.1.ind.8f03/index.js:1:236840
forEach@[native code]
forEach@[native code]
forEach@[native code]
global code@https://www.windy.com/v/37.2.1.ind.8f03/index.js:1:289589"
"isOnline": true,
"latestBcast": "store: calendar (7ms ago at 1663863124089)
store: country us (4ms ago at 1663863124092)
store: isImperial (4ms ago at 1663863124092)
store: ipLocation (4ms ago at 1663863124092)
bcast: newLocation (4ms ago at 1663863124092)",
"sessionCounter": 125,
"sessionName": "us-125",
"lang": "en",
"size": "1728x1117",
"platform": "desktop",
"errorID": "di-error-can-not-resolve-testwebgl-module"
Error no: 3
"timestamp": 1663863124111,
"runningMs": 31,
"type": "user",
"module": "tinyrequire",
"msg": "(10x) DI error: Can not resolve testWebGl module",
"line": null,
"col": null,
"url": "https://www.windy.com/",
"script": null,
"ver": "37.2.1",
"target": "index",
"stack": "@https://www.windy.com/v/37.2.1.ind.8f03/index.js:1:236840
global code@https://www.windy.com/v/37.2.1.ind.8f03/index.js:1:289589",
"deviceID": "17b78195-366a-7fa7-69ce-4d85b67d77c5",
"error": " {
"message": "Can't find variable: WebGLRenderingContext",
"line": 1,
"column": 236840,
"sourceURL": "https://www.windy.com/v/37.2.1.ind.8f03/index.js",
"stack": "@https://www.windy.com/v/37.2.1.ind.8f03/index.js:1:236840
global code@https://www.windy.com/v/37.2.1.ind.8f03/index.js:1:289589"
"isOnline": true,
"repeated": 10,
"latestBcast": "store: ipLocation (19ms ago at 1663863124092)
bcast: newLocation (19ms ago at 1663863124092)
store: mapCoords (9ms ago at 1663863124102)
bcast: rqstOpen hp-weather (1ms ago at 1663863124110)
bcast: log weather/ip (1ms ago at 1663863124110)",
"sessionCounter": 125,
"sessionName": "us-125",
"lang": "en",
"size": "1728x1117",
"platform": "desktop",
"errorID": "10x-di-error-can-not-resolve-testwebgl-module"