Love the new nowcasting feature, but it would be great if there was a way to easily return to the most recent actual radar image (middle of the slider). For example, you could place a ‘detent’ in the middle of the slider so that it would snap in place when near, or possibility double-tapping the slider would return it to the ‘now’ position.

Best posts made by inAjet
RE: Windy's Version 41 is here and brings new features!
RE: Would you like to receive Windy Alerts as push notifications to your mobile device?
I would LOVE to receive alerts as push notifications!!!
Also, it would be great to set notifications for your 'current location' - not just for specific locations - so that as you move around alerts are relevant to where you actually are (i.e. when travelling).
Thanks for an absolutely amazing app!!!!
RE: Premium subscribers will get premium support
I think he means the one we just clicked on to read this post. I agree - once read it should go away.
Lightning as a standalone layer
Currently, lightning is combined with the radar layer. It would be great if lightning could be made an optional, standalone layer - just like pressure isolines - so that it could be combined with any other layer, such as radar, satellite, etc. This would be especially useful now that you have provided several other excellent thunderstorm tracking tools such as the infrared satellite later.
Would this at all be something you would consider?
RE: UI issues iphone 12 Pro Max
Thank you very much for fixing this issue - v28.0.3 looks great on the iPhone 12 Pro!!!!
Also, thank you for the new iOS 14 widget!
Keep up the great work... 👍
RE: Premium subscribers will get premium support
Thank you for removing the banner!
Those losing their minds about the use of “girls” need to chill out. Windy is from Europe, where they still use common sense in regards to language - unlike here in North America, where many read into and sensationalize the smallest nuances of words to make a statement. There is no infringement on equality or rights to see here... move on.
Favorites List - “More”
Those of us who have a long list of favorites have to push the “more” button at the bottom of the list that loads the next part of list. Just wanted to suggest that maybe loading the rest of the list could happen automatically when reaching the bottom of the list instead of having to push the button. This would streamline the use of the list for users with many saved favorites.
RE: The map does not focus on the chosen city
@Ondřej-Šutera yes, turning that option back on fixes the issue; however, I prefer to have it selected off, so I’m glad to hear a fix is being worked on.
I use English language as well.
As the other users have reported, this wasn’t an issue until the latest update.
RE: Premium subscribers will get premium support
@Korina I agree, the banner needs to go. It’s fine if it’s there initially, but should disappear as soon as the article is read.
RE: Lightning as a standalone layer
@Korina here’s a good example of how combining the lightning layer with the satellite IR layer is helpful in locating thunderstorms. This screenshot is from another product we use in the aviation world. I’d love to be able to get the same info from Windy’s far superior satellite resolution and interface!
Latest posts made by inAjet
RE: Favorites List - “More”
Hi @Suty, this is great news - thank you very much!!
RE: Favorites List - “More”
Bumping this topic to see if there is any chance it could be implemented in a future version...
RE: Newbie Question for Experienced Wx Station Users
@Ørjan-P-Stien, sorry for the delay in getting back to you - and thank you so much for the advice! Yes, it sounds like we live in a very similar climate, so your experience here is valuable. I will definitely take a look at the Vantage Pro. I have always preferred to spend a little bit extra and buy something that is good quality once vs. constantly replacing it, and this seems to be the case here.
I look forward to those butterflies! Happy Holidays!!!
RE: Newbie Question for Experienced Wx Station Users
Thanks for the reply, @Ørjan-P-Stien! I live in Canada near the Pacific Ocean, so it would be a wet environment and certainly some exposure to salt air. Which of those units would you suggest for use in this climate?
Newbie Question for Experienced Wx Station Users
I'd like to purchase my first personal weather station that provides basic temp/dewpoint/wind info and can be fed back into the Windy network. I'm fairly well-versed in the world of met, as it is a big part of my profession, but I am completely new to personal weather stations. Which product would the experienced users recommend for my case?
Favorites list overflow
Wondering if it might be possible to have the Favorites list automatically load overflow stations when reaching the bottom of the list instead of having to push the “More…” button?
Also, wonder if you might consider displaying the favourite list icon as a heart on the homepage instead of the user’s profile pic, as it’s a bit more intuitive. I find myself always hesitating before selecting which button to push for favorites.
Love your app! Keep up the great work!!!
Cheers, Chris
Current location with Radar+ later
It seems that pressing the ‘home’ button while in the Radar+ layer does not return the map to your current location, as it does with all other layers.
Favorites List - “More”
Those of us who have a long list of favorites have to push the “more” button at the bottom of the list that loads the next part of list. Just wanted to suggest that maybe loading the rest of the list could happen automatically when reaching the bottom of the list instead of having to push the button. This would streamline the use of the list for users with many saved favorites.
RE: Windy's Version 41 is here and brings new features!
Love the new nowcasting feature, but it would be great if there was a way to easily return to the most recent actual radar image (middle of the slider). For example, you could place a ‘detent’ in the middle of the slider so that it would snap in place when near, or possibility double-tapping the slider would return it to the ‘now’ position.