please, is it possible have made the visualization of the scale bar of map or circles of distance from selected point?
Best posts made by JiMill
the scale bar of map is missing
RE: Názvy některých zahraničních (německých) měst v češtině
Hi, OpenStreetMap offers few versions of map. I use an app with a weather radar view and this app use a normal map with citi names in a local name w/o a translation. A version of map used in Windy is not clewer -translation of citi names are stupid. Sorry. o
Latest posts made by JiMill
RE: Názvy některých zahraničních (německých) měst v češtině
Hi, OpenStreetMap offers few versions of map. I use an app with a weather radar view and this app use a normal map with citi names in a local name w/o a translation. A version of map used in Windy is not clewer -translation of citi names are stupid. Sorry. o
the scale bar of map is missing
please, is it possible have made the visualization of the scale bar of map or circles of distance from selected point?
boarders of predicted resolution (area) - not visualized
Hi, can you allow visualization of borders of resolution areas as the overlay? Because different predictions have had various size and locations of the target area. For a flat area has not important position of borders, but on the border of ragged landscape it is very important (mainly for large resolution as GFS or ECMWF etc.).