@ivo said in Description of weather overlays:
Rain rate:
I cannot see RAIN RATE in the settings ....
I am a passionate in everything weather since the age or 4 and I am now 66 and I still love it to death.I learned the skills and knowledge from books,internet and so on.
@ivo said in Description of weather overlays:
Rain rate:
I cannot see RAIN RATE in the settings ....
Excellent idea.Please let me know when it is available.
I have a Davis Vantage pro2 and Davis Vantage Vue weather station with data logger.
I report to weather underground which is now getting worse by the day and to PWS.
Make the site as sexy as possible without too much clutter.
Yes I will be willing to offer your station data to anyone else (not only windy.com) as open data.
regards:John from Kewarra beach ,Cairns ,Australia
@ivo said in Description of weather overlays:
Rain rate:
I cannot see RAIN RATE in the settings ....