Amazing job!!
Posts made by jrenedo
RE: Suggestion: New signal for map, Irradiance
Hi all,
this feature is going to be available this year?Thanks in advance!! :D
RE: URL for widget forecast with language?
Thanks a lot for your response. Are you thinking on make this feature available?
URL for widget forecast with language?
Hi all,
First, great work guys. I would like to ask you something, is possible to set the language on the URL for the Forecast Widget? I see it in spanish, and i want it on english.
Thanks a lot.
Api for version 10?
Hi @ivo , will you liberate an API for the v10?
And another question, is possible to add the label on map with the windspeed and direction with api??
Thanks and awesome job.
RE: Suggestion: New signal for map, Irradiance
That would be great!
Suggestion: New signal for map, Irradiance
Good morning all.
Firstly, I must congratulate you for this amazing project and job. I have started studing this tool and I would like to suggest you if is possible to add a new signal on WindyTv, Irradiance. I think is a very important signal. Is it possible to add it?
Thanks in advance.