Global warming is fake as black holes and dark energy. so lets take step forward and stop propagating shit.
Grand Solar Minimum and Magnetic reversal happening now ..
= Weak magnetosphere <> Galactic Cosmic Rays Maximum .. (that is the reason ozon hole i "getting bigger " as GCR interacts with ozon also with other elements in our layers of atmosphere = that results in more cloud nucleation[Svensmark work] . Wiled Jet streams (meridional flow) , more thunders ,record hot/cold, more volcanos, more sprites etc etc etc. bigger and more often hail , ble ble ble BLEEE :)
That is reason why NO MODELS ARE ACCURATE :) pure waste of money.
this gentleman from UK is able to predict weather based on SUN + Moon YEAR IN ADVANCE. check his archive to confirm your self. (it might be challenge as computer models update and erase the incorrect forecasts )