I have today add the windy layer on our site and want to have nearly thr same layer, like you use in demo. But lot things will not work and not shown. Example, i cant zoom to detailed map like demo can do. But i need this zoom to see my boats in detail. Butvi cant zoom into map view like demo. What is the trick? And i cant use same menu or switch between forecast layer. But normal with using v4 api, it should all work. I was also willing to pay the Service, but, can i am sure that then all works? What is here exactly the difference between paid and unpaid version. And where do i found the manual to show same like you do in demo. Zoom to map detail, use the Things you show in demo? Because i found here no document, what helps me here?? Thanks for help us here, kasi

Posts made by kasimir61
What exactly is the difference between paid and non paid Version?
RE: widget zoom
In your demo on windy. Com i can zoom wonderful to detail and see the map then. This i need also, because we zoom from other map to a river in detail. So it can zoom, so question is now, how we include this map view like you do in demo. It help not much, if we see a demo and cant do the same, like you show in demo. Here was helpful to see the way how to dobthis. Thanks
RE: NPM Leaflet 1.x compatability
Hi Admin - we are also very interested in this - because we want to use it as Developer and paid Version, but at moment we cant use it, because it is not compatible with actual Version1.2.x of our Backends and we cant use anything with the new API. But we are willing to help, if needed - and i dont know i not a Way that yours can made a patch Version?
We want to use it in a biggr Boat Backend Applikation and windy was for me the best one, but i cant yet use it as overlay on my Map and i cant use the Boat.app you have done.I am willing to help or also willing to spend some Money to get a Version, i can use here. But i need a Solution i can use until December of the Boatshow in Düsseldorf Germany for our Product - let me know, what you can do or what you are willing to do or if it gives a Way, that i can let work here a Coder from our Company on this - but we need here a Hint, what is exactly to upgrade that Windy will run on our System Leaflet 1.2.0
Thanks for Answer.. Kasi
How can i work with my team to can use with leaflet 1.2.x and higher?
We are very interested to upgrade this for using in leaflet 1.2.0 and higher. With this upgrade all the Guys have tons of new ways to use it. But to migrate i need some input of developers from here. What is to do and can we migrate what we have now in a simplexway to show at least windy also on leaflet 1.2.0 and later. Here we also are willing to add development and also, if any have this solution always migrate, then we are intetested to buy a instance for our Project. Let me know, what we can do here.. Kasi
How to use in leaflet Versions 1.2. And higher?
Hi, has any one of yours buid a solution, that windy also can be used with leaflet 1.2 and higher?
We need here advice for it to use windy in our system. Also we are willing to pay for it, if any of yours have a solution for it.
Let me know, thanks kasi -
Windy API v4 and Leaflet 1.2.0 not work
Hi Team, we are working on a boat Project and use lot overlay functions wit leaflet 1.2.0. Now we make a try with you actal windy Version, but we cant use it here. Also we cant use thes Way we need with JSON.
My team tells me, we need here to downgrade to old leaflet version, but this is no go. How can we use your Layer and the boat tracker also in leaflet 1.2.0 without to insert a second i frame? We want to add the windy layer with a switch on/off on our Map. We also want be a payed Cliend of windy. Is there any support to find a solution here. I think we are not the first one with this request?
For any help we was very happy, thanks kasi