Why in the world would anyone want the respect of anyone who respects every opinion?
What I want is to be able to use the service I've paid for without being unnecessarily tracked by social media for their purpose of using my personal information to sell ads to criminals seeking my property and freedom.
What anyone with the most basic understanding of software design can do is replace the tracking links on their own site that are provided by social media with their own links to their same social media pages.
Remove Facebook's "f" from all your webpages and replace is with: "Windy's link to its Facebook page", or the equivalent. And then do the same with all the rest of the "free" links to "free" social media.
And finally, in parting, I'd like to give you a gift of my legal experience, in addition to the gift of my 30 years as a software designer and engineer: Check with your legal department to see if they know about the liability you open yourself to now if you do not do this, now that this correct information has been placed free in the public domain in your community. Ciao.