Are there any plans to make a Day & Night-Overlay/Layer?
It would be extremely cool, especially for the 3D-mode :)
Are there any plans to make a Day & Night-Overlay/Layer?
It would be extremely cool, especially for the 3D-mode :)
Bummer, it would've be supernice!:)
I'll just stick to my incognito-method.
Is it possible to set/change the speed of the weather forecast?
And is it possible to set the interval.
As a premium user, the speed of the forecast is very slow, with intervals of 1 hour. 1 hour seems to have a duration of about 1.5 seconds.
When running the forecast as a non-paying visitor, the intervals are 3 hours and, 1 hour has a duration of about 0.065 seconds. Making each interval 0.195 seconds.
For me, viewing the forecast at the speed of a non-paying visitor is more practical and usefull.
I just find it a bit unfortunate that I have to view the site in incognito-mode to get a forecast-speed I find usefull.
Is it possible to change of the speed of the playback of the 9-day-bar?
After I switched to premium, where you get weather-displaying with 1 hour intervals, running "play" on the 9-day-bar is reeeaally slow.
It would be super great if users were allowed to adjust the playback-speed.
Have a great day :)
Well, why not add it? :p
The list of changable overlays is really long. I was surprised to find that Dew Point wasn't included. Dew Point is, after all, one of the most essential markers for the condition of the air around you.
This might be very subjective, but the window for what people find comfortable and uncomfortable is a relativly small range, usually 10c to 20c. Temperature, on the other hand, has a much wider range.
Plus, Wetbulbtemperature has it's own listing, why shouldn't Dew Point have it then, it's used much more (I would guess) :p
Best regards :)
I'm sorry, my question didn't stand out too well.
I was wondering if you folks at Windy could create an individual listing of Dew Point, so that users could change Dew Point without it affecting Temperature :)
Is it possible to give Dew Point its individual listing in the "Customize Color Scale"?
At the moment, if you want the change the scale for Dew Point you have to change the scale for Temperature, which is a little unfortunate.