@filippo28 Thanks for reporting, it is fixed.

Posts made by kubav027
RE: Windy launches high-resolution forecast model ICON-D2 (2.2km)
@flachkurbler Hello, we are currently showing only 00, 06, 12, 18 runs. All of them cover forecast for 48 hours. This DWD info is outdated. ICON-D2 was extended to 48hours in the end of June (see page 7 https://www.dwd.de/SharedDocs/downloads/DE/modelldokumentationen/nwv/icon/icon_dbbeschr_aktuell.pdf?view=nasPublication&nn=13934).
RE: SST not loading?
Thank you for reporting. It is temporarily working because there are new data available. We are working on proper fix.
RE: Alaskan NAM
Thanks for reporting issue with isobars. I am sorry it took us so long to notice it but it should be fixed now.
RE: NEMS not working
Thanks for reporting and sorry for the inconvenience. It is fixed.
RE: Icon EU not working in certain areas and when zooming in.
Thanks for reporting. There is no regional restriction on windy. It was bug on our backends caused by switching to new icon implementation. It is fixed now. Sorry for the inconvenience.
RE: What happened to GEOS-5 source for SO2?
@af4ex "CAMS forecasts of total column sulphur dioxide show a large plume, originally from the eruption of the Nishinoshima volcano, trapped in a low pressure system over the Pacific Ocean."