@dcm It's impressive that no one from Windy has responded about this issue.

Best posts made by LucianoGIS
RE: Satellite view North America not working!
RE: Please put lighting spots on the map!
@Gkikas-LGPZ I really don't know if the lighting strike data is for free. I'll send a email to the developer asking them about that.
Latest posts made by LucianoGIS
RE: Satellite view North America not working!
@dcm It's impressive that no one from Windy has responded about this issue.
RE: rain accumulation says "no data"
Same here in Brazil... We need this information to address the demands caused by the floods in the state of Rio Grande do Sul.
RE: Please put lighting spots on the map!
I've finally found the source of the lightning strike map for South America: http://wwlln.net/new/map/
To get the data, Windy's ADM need to get contact to:
Prof Robert Holzworth, Earth and Space Sciences, University of Washington
(WWLLN Data available: WWLLN Monthly CDs containing all stroke locations over the whole world for 1 month. Those are mailed to subscribers each month, or they may opt to download the data weekly. Archival data are available for sale from August 15, 2004 to the present. Our site hosts receive a free monthly subscription.
WWLLN Data are available via internet with cadence every 10 minutes for research purposes from the University of Washington, or with a cadence of as fast as every minute (i.e. in realtime) from our commercial reseller. Contact Prof. Holzworth for more info.)
RE: Please put lighting spots on the map!
That site "raiosonline" is a pure trash! Hahaha. Several lightning strike events are fake.
RE: Please put lighting spots on the map!
@Gkikas-LGPZ I really don't know if the lighting strike data is for free. I'll send a email to the developer asking them about that.
RE: Please put lighting spots on the map!
Unfortunately there isn't coverage from that source on my country (Brasil) :(
RE: Please put lighting spots on the map!
At my area yes it's in real time. Every single lighting strike over my city it's shown about 5 minutes later. -
RE: Please put lighting spots on the map!
Oh, that's awful!
I'd say it'd be better to enrich more lightning strike map source than only get data from Blitzortung.org as shown on http://weather.wdtinc.com/imap/imaplite/?MAPID=10937&CLIENTID=20485 -
RE: Please put lighting spots on the map!
That's really strange to say that I don't see any lightning symbol over any Brazil's land area :(