Nor me.
I don t usually respond to such changes but th is is awful.
Graphic symbols a real step backwards and whats happened to the Wind Gust option
which was previously sensibly nested under Wind.
Posts made by Lyonesse
RE: I do NOT like the new interface :-(
RE: Unable to create new station
Thanks for reply. I normally use Firefox but have also tried with Chrome.
After filling in Station details and ticking T&C box press Save and it takes me back to the Screen saying I don't have any station yet.
When my upload that was running for the last 3 years failed a week ago I firstly added a second station nr1. That showed the station details on the screen with the serial nr beginning with f i think.
So i deleted both stations to start afresh. Now when i add station details and tick agree expecting to see the station details with new f code its just this screen again ...
Unable to create new station
Station upload has been working fine for 3 years but stopped working last week. In effort to fix it I deleted my station to re-enter it. However after filling in the details and saving, the details are gone and page says ' You dont have any station yet. Start adding one'.
The only thing different is that the API box is now at the bootom of the blank screen whereas I think it was at the top previously.
Any ideas please ...