The data of air temperatures are wrong in Windytv:
For example in Moho, Puno, Perú 19.April 2017 at 09:00 horas the data of air temperature is 29°C.
The same place and time climate details by Windytv show 10°C.
Please I need a solution.

Instituto Tecnológico Pesquero Callao, Perú
Accredited Laboratory of the Technological Institute of Peru LABS-ITP
Technical customer service for testing of laboratory
Best posts made by manuelplacido
Air Temperature Data wrong by Windytv
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Missing data of the atmospheric pressure and wind speed
My dear friends, I am doing a research study of the South Pacific Anticyclone. I have missing data of the atmospheric pressure and wind speed at the coordinates 20 ° S and 80 ° W of the dates 02 Nov 2017 until 06 march 2018I thank you very much for your cooperation in the scientific development of climatology in the world.
Manuel Placido -
RE: Windy version 14 brings sharper map and better colors
@jbr Hellow my friends! you are nice very good!
Divergence of readings at sea temperature between IMARPE and WindyTv maesured on the coast of Tumbes, Peru.
Dear WinyTv friends it seems that something is wrong with the sea temperature you report. While IMARPE reports 28-29 ° C (23 May 2017) you are reporting 23 ° C (26 May 2017) It is possible a significant change of the temperature in three days?
RE: We have started sending the Alerts. Help us to find all the bugs
@ivo Es posible que la página web
esté temporalmente inactiva o que se haya trasladado definitivamente a otra dirección. -
Air Temperature Data wrong by Windytv
The data of air temperatures are wrong in Windytv:
For example in Moho, Puno, Perú 19.April 2017 at 09:00 horas the data of air temperature is 29°C.
The same place and time climate details by Windytv show 10°C.
Please I need a solution.