I really think everything about Windy is top notch, except the radar transitions. By that, I do not mean the radar animations that show you an animation of the radar over time, but the weird pulsating transitions as the radar transitions to the next frame. Since the transitions are an entirely superfluous effect, they often lead to views of the radar that do not accurately reflect the radar at a given point in time. Basically, it's an animation that creates a visualization that "lies" to the user to an unacceptable extent, in my opinion.
Due to the fact that I cannot completely trust the radar viz that Windy displays, as a storm approaches I often find myself going to AccuWeather or weather.com to get a more traditional, and accurate, view of the current radar.
I recommend creating an option that disables the weird pulsating transitions, which would just visualize the radar data exactly as it's provided (more or less). I realize that some people might think the pulsating effect looks cool and is maybe good marketing, but for people that just want to see the radar data exactly as it is, it's not helpful and misleading.