I have to agree with Francesco. My wife and I have been delivering yachts for many years now and have relied on Windy for much of that time. But this layout is not good at all for my particular application. Miss the old format. If I could go back I would. This is to the point where we are considering cancelling our subscription.
Latest posts made by Nasa5
RE: New Layout
RE: Tide Forecast on Windy
Love the tide forecasts. In the side bar don’t see the point of having tide in feet and metres in Australia. We’re metric. Can you change tide height units country dependent.
RE: Which model should Windy implement next? Please vote.
I would like to see better coverage of the Asia Pacific and Oceania regions. It covers a large part of the planet, but everyone sees focussed on the US or Europe. Being a professional yacht delivery skipper most of my work is in this area. From this limited choice I go for Arome #2 as it at least covers New Caledonia. I would like to see ICON for more global coverage.