No Need to be harsh there you Know windy updates are Hard to make and you need to be aware that this site tries to be as accurate as possible. And if you dont like it just go back to your crappy weather websites that you enjoy

Best posts made by Nicolas.A
RE: error
RE: Windy launches "Observation vs. Forecast"
if you dont like it then dont be that rude. There are people who actually enjoy this.
RE: offline error....I'm a new user fm China
Well China is a very populated area so maybe there is slow internet because of the people going on windy.Or it could be your internet being bad so it's best to reconnect to the wifi and if it doesn't work call your internet provider for help
RE: Have you seen Windy on your local TV Channel? Let us know!
Windy at one point was on the weather channel but that was a pretty rare time
New suggestion
i think windy should add something related to the river waters to see if they have overflowed but only available when a storm is near. This wasn't talked about from anybody else and I think its good to add this when a storm comes. -
Hey, Did you know a arctic blast coming for most of the US.? It is expected to bring a lot of heavy snow for the north USA states like The Great Lakes Region. A ton of snow is expected from this arctic blast and could even bring a winter storm. Keep an eye on this for your safety.
Its official. For people In Houston Like me we have received the first snowfall of the season!. This is Rare plus A record broken for the earliest snowfall (last being November 23rd 1979.) Not heavy but This is a miracle.
Maybe we can get a ton of snow for December?
RE: Please help to find my ducks
also nice try troll.
Ruber ducks? Just buy new ones.