No satélite imagery for the the US Atlantic and Pacific areas for 2 days, from MIAMI, USA
Retired USA Air Force Veteran and persue my career in management Insurane with US Multinationals in US, Europe and Latin America. now retired!!
Best posts made by Nochy
RE: Satellite outage over the North and South America (Sep 28)
Latest posts made by Nochy
RE: Satellite outage over the North and South America (Sep 28)
I’am in Miami and have the same problem as you, and may be related to the Apple IOS. Updates, or other technical issues. I have also advised Windy about the issue 2 days ago, but no response yet. Good Luck. @JRRUIZ
RE: Satellite outage over the North and South America (Sep 28)
No satélite imagery for the the US Atlantic and Pacific areas for 2 days, from MIAMI, USA