It has been changed risently. Personally I prefer land masses to be diferent to the
ocean colors. My suggestion is the Windy ought to go back to the original style.
Land= green Water= Blue
Many thanks
Olle Joensson (
Best posts made by Olle
Colors of the landmass same as for the oceans
Lost the wind arrows
I have lost the wind arrows and don't know the command to get them back.
Latest posts made by Olle
Colors of the landmass same as for the oceans
It has been changed risently. Personally I prefer land masses to be diferent to the
ocean colors. My suggestion is the Windy ought to go back to the original style.
Land= green Water= Blue
Many thanks
Olle Joensson ( -
Probably a serious problem
To day it seems as colors and the total screen is paralyzed and not reacting
when the time ruler is changed. Still I got no arrows. . -
Lost the wind arrows
I have lost the wind arrows and don't know the command to get them back.
Coordinates No 2
Forget my comments in the subject just sent. I found what I was asking for in the upper left corner. Sorry
Many thanks
Olle -
I'm very pleased to see them on the maps and from the time I asked for them years back. Still it can improve if the cordinates are indicated as you are moving "the arrow" on the maps.
Same as for Google Earth. Indeed a handy function when plotting positions from normal maps into the Windytv maps. An alternative to this request of mine in case of difficulties will then be that the lat/lon coordinates will be included when making the click presently indicating only the winds direction and force and thereby one doesn't need to open for the "detailed information" for the required position of the "click" which normally indeed is indicating the coordinates .
Thanking you
Olle Joensson -
Please see my earlier comments about missing cordinates.
Presently too complicated to get a given Lat/Long on the
Windyty screen.
Olle -
RE: Windyty 5.0, feedback, bug reports & discussion
Where can I find Ivo's e-mail adr. ???
Olle -
RE: Windyty 5.0, feedback, bug reports & discussion
@EricJ said:
On Windyty 5.0, using Firefox:
When I use the Arrow keys to move the time line, the pull-out on the right edge (the one that normally contains forecast information about a location) starts coming out. The rainbow parameter legend (e.g. wind speed or pressure) also moves to the left.This doesn't happen with Chrome.
Windty 5.0 is SUPER fast. Great job.
RE: Windyty 5.0, feedback, bug reports & discussion
I'm rather new in using Windyty. So far only experienced the normal Windyty.
I got a grandchild crossing the N/Atlantic with a sailing yacht. Presently he
is approaching Bermuda from SE. The huricane Joaquin just passed west
of Bermuda and the yacht is navigating with caution.
I'm a retired master mariner and payin a lot interest in my grandchild's sailing
To the Point: I'm missing the cordinates and have difficulties to find the yachts
position after having been given their position over e-mail.
The way I'm doing it so far is to klick on an estimated Point and get the detailed
information indicating Lat/long. Most of the time I have to klick on minimum
times Before I'm getting an acceptable position. Too complicated and timeconsuming.
Are there other ways to get the cordinates?? If so please let me know,
Windyty 5.0 is not yet tried out. I will probably try later.
Apart from the missing cordinates I find the Windyty excelent and indeed very
usefull. I'm not a facebook or twitty user and would very much like to be able to talk/chat
to/with the person in charge for Windyty.
Many thanks
Olle Jönsson