NWS has that data:
27 day: https://www.swpc.noaa.gov/products/27-day-outlook-107-cm-radio-flux-and-geomagnetic-indices
3 day:
i fly glider planes and power planes
The radar + was very interesting to review during the hurricane last night. I’m glad to be over 1000km from it and I hope everyone is okay.
All of the current weather models are showing the exact opposite of the actual conditions being reported. Not sure if this is a Windy bug or just a systemic glitch.
When I open windy, there's a thin grey sidebar with the picker options listed vertically. Mine starts with "radar & satellite", then "wind" and so on. On my laptop, it shows a total of 9 options, and then the " more" option at the bottom.
I want to be able to put whatever i like in the first 9 options. Right now, it does a combination of default settings and whatever i looked at last.
I would like to select my own list as the default when i first open the program.
Is there a way to let the user define what tabs show up on the initial sidebar? As an example, I would like to be able to put thermals on the initial sidebar instead of ozone or NO2
You have rain in blue, which is usually used for snow on most weather maps
You have wet snow in green- which is usually used for rain on most weather maps
Cant see thermals listed as a change colors option. Everything else is there, just not thermals
That looks pretty good to me.
A request: can you use the same color scheme as the drjack.info or the topmeteo website so that it's possible to compare apples to apples? Also, like the Drjack website, is it possible to break down the max climbable height into smaller increments, with more colors? Drjack.info uses every 1000 feet ( sorry about the english units- it's all we have in the USA).
The FAA, with collaboration from Colorado and Alaska, have activated a number of aviation webcams.
Can you integrate them into the webcam views?
Link: https://weathercams.faa.gov/map/-109.1325,35.80083,-97.8825,41.09669/cameraSite/77/details/camera