@vsinceac Me again, with a few more questions, still concerning the GFS model.
In your message, you said "runtime today at 06hUTC, validity for 07hUTC, 515.1 GB, all params/levels"
I believe you meant 515.1 MB, right?
515MB x 209 validities = 110GB for a full run.
Do you know of a website where I can follow live the release of the different validities by the NOAA?
I know about this one (https://www.nco.ncep.noaa.gov/pmb/nwprod/prodstat/index.html#TARGET).
But is there a way to follow the release progress at the file level?
One last question:
Is there a difference in accuracy between the 4 daily updates?
I read in an old article (from 2012) that the 00z and the 12z were better than the other two.
I was surprised to read that and maybe it was the case back then but do you know if that is still the case?