Sv: South of 85° South problems
Hi Idefix, so sorry I missed your answer. Can't believe I never pushed the 3D button - but I thout that was for more urban stuff.
The 3D was a great view, but the wind is not generated south of 85° - but it woks fine with how I work. Thouf the adventege of seeing the wind is to predict what may come.
• No, with just satelite communication we never indulge in surfing the net. But I sit at home predicting weather for extreme expoeditions.
• I alway use my laptop / mac
• In Antarctica explorers (and others) use the correct timesove of the sector. This has msy adventages, ti avoid direct radioatipon and navigating on the shadow etc
• Windy follows the sectors until 85° South. From ther it seems to be New Zealand time all around no matter what sector.
• That may be du to the American base at the Geographical South Pole sticking to NZ time as their other bases are in the NZ sector and they fly in from there.!
Thanks so much for comming back to me. I use Windy a lot, and in extreme areas the compare section is really good. It is not alway the obvious platform is most acurate - especially in the high Polar seas towards the North Pole.
Best regards, LArs
(great neme BTW :-)
Windy 2022-12-30 14.54.08.png