@TomSlavkovsky Update: It seems the sea temps are updating now, however it still shows me degrees C. I usually use the site to find wind speed/direction, gusts, air and sea temps, cloud percentage and base altitude, and wave/swell height and direction. I have those set to my favorites so I can just scroll right through what I need to know. This is the best site I have found to find everything I need in one place, and best of all it loads fast because you focus on the weather!
Best posts made by pwoods7
RE: Sea temperature
Latest posts made by pwoods7
RE: Testers wanted: Weather radar USA!
@dzuremar You didn't intend to darken the map offshore beyond the range of the radars?
RE: Testers wanted: Weather radar USA!
I definitely enjoy this addition! The site has always been fantastic for no-nonsense weather, but has lacked this type of radar image. I also enjoy how the range of the radar darkens to indicate edge of reception, something I have never seen before. And thanks for the goat speed! I will post any bugs I find.
Thanks from the US Coast Guard in Houston during Hurricane Harvey!
Visibility data
Visibility data displayed under flying is usually between 30-40km, what altitude is this taken at? And is there any way to display surface visibility, typically ~8NM (see below image from NOAA NDBC)
RE: Sea temperature
@TomSlavkovsky Update: It seems the sea temps are updating now, however it still shows me degrees C. I usually use the site to find wind speed/direction, gusts, air and sea temps, cloud percentage and base altitude, and wave/swell height and direction. I have those set to my favorites so I can just scroll right through what I need to know. This is the best site I have found to find everything I need in one place, and best of all it loads fast because you focus on the weather!
Sea temperature
Hello! First off, I love the site. I am a Search and Rescue coordinator with the US Coast Guard, and use your site almost exclusively for my real time weather observations as well as forecasted conditions while planning operations! However, lately (the past 2 weeks or so) the sea temperature feature has not been updating and will only display in degrees C even though my defaults are set to F. Any insight?