The search works now. On the last try I didn't get the choice of locations under the search type-in (e.g., Schlangenbad, Rhein-Taunus). This time I did. The display centered on the location. Problem resolved. :)
Latest posts made by RBEmerson
RE: Windytv 10 Public Preview
RE: Windytv 10 Public Preview
I did a search for a couple of locations in Germany. Either the names (Schlangenbad, Bad Schwalbach) don't exist in the relevant database or a location markes just doesn't show up. Further, the Bad Schwalbach search changed the overall map view to the southern hemisphere. The bar on the right side of the screen looks like a work in progress. No blame attaches. :)
RE: Force data update?
Thanks, I'll try that. I hadn't thought about clearing the app's cache.
RE: How to pronounce Windyty
I've begun to settle on something like WINDYtee
Force data update?
For some reason, I'm seeing data that is a week old. Is there a way to force a data update?
How to pronounce Windyty
I give up - what's correct pronunciation of "Windyty"?