today my windy changed completely, instead of all the content list on the right hand side of the screen has now changed to a bunch of spheres. am TO Old to relearn how to use windy again. went into all the settings get it back to where i was comfortable, and cant figure out How, this updated new thing here is sadly frustrating, is there a way to put it back the way it was?
Best posts made by rickclarke
RE: Windy V40 - What's New
Latest posts made by rickclarke
RE: Windy V40 - What's New
today my windy changed completely, instead of all the content list on the right hand side of the screen has now changed to a bunch of spheres. am TO Old to relearn how to use windy again. went into all the settings get it back to where i was comfortable, and cant figure out How, this updated new thing here is sadly frustrating, is there a way to put it back the way it was?