When the position is crosshair is at the location you want, look up to the top right of the screen, there is the option for “forecast at this position”. Click that and the forecast you are use to seeing will come up at the bottom. I use windy for boating and offshore fishing (50-100 miles off shore Gulf). I initially was annoyed at the change to windy but now I am coming to appreciate the differences and find it easier to work with. We are all resistant to change it seems.
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RE: Windy 39 is here. Learn how to masterclass new features
Latest posts made by Rickperry
Naming favorites
…Naming favorites. When favorites are added on land it is easy to recognize the location. The map shows it. Not so for open water. For marine use, placing a favorite spot somewhere offshore provides no reference other than the lat/long. If you have 5-10 favorites that equate to GPS coordinates along a 50 mile coastal range, identifying which favorite one is seeking becomes a cumbersome process to compare against marine charts. Is there a way to name favorites or could we get away to name them?
Location target symbol gone in wind layer
Recently, like within last two weeks, in the wind layer the location target symbol (similar to big plus sign) disappears in the wind layer when location is selected and is replaced by a pulsating dot. This prevents moving around to view conditions in other areas without deselecting location.
I use this feature a lot in the waters around the Florida Keys where 5 miles can be a big difference. That location symbol still functions the same in other layers like rain, radar, thunderstorms etc. What’s going on here? Why is the function gone in the wind layer? -
Latitude and longitude position
I have been using this app for years and I coordinate with offshore destination from marine charting.
Is there a way to force the UI to display the latitude longitude all the time? When a position is selected and information displayed, the upper left sometimes displays lat/long, which I want. But when the point gets closer to shore, like 30-40 miles, it changes to some random selected close geographic city, which is useless. Look at these two pics, the first has lat/long, when I move slightly east it changes to Sarasota (and that’s wrong anyway BTW). And the grid line is too large to rely on that, especially since the longitude on the grid is never visible when a point is selected. Also charts and marine systems use degrees and MINUTES, not degrees and decimal fraction of a degree making conversion necessary for any use with a chart. Isn’t this supposed to marine weather? Why would it use something not natural to marine charts? Just displaying lat/long ALL the time would solve 90% of my gripes though. I am a frequent avid user and love the app, but a few tweaks would be super. Hope you can see these two pics. As an FYI, the reason position is so important is because it relates to water depth for fishing. In the Gulf of Mexico we have to go far offshore from Florida.
RE: Windy 39 is here. Learn how to masterclass new features
When the position is crosshair is at the location you want, look up to the top right of the screen, there is the option for “forecast at this position”. Click that and the forecast you are use to seeing will come up at the bottom. I use windy for boating and offshore fishing (50-100 miles off shore Gulf). I initially was annoyed at the change to windy but now I am coming to appreciate the differences and find it easier to work with. We are all resistant to change it seems. -
lat/long display on point
I am an avid premium user and use Windy for marine use offshore planning. Sometimes when you select a point it provides lat/long and other times it provides a shore location.
Is there a way to force windy to provide the lat/long for a selected point always and never a shore location?Consider selecting a point at 26.58N and 82.66W. It will show that lat/long. If I select a point slightly east, it will show “Lee County” with no lat/long. At that point it is more than 15 miles offshore, though without lat/long I can’t determine for certain.
Our weather is highly dependent on location on the Gulf coast. There can be a big difference in winds between 15 miles offshore and 35 miles offshore, for instance. So lat/long is important when planning offshore fishing sites. I try to match lat/long with the most favorable conditions on a given day and plan fishing spots accordingly. Without lat/long, that is guess work in Windy.
Also telling the user that they are somewhere long range the vicinity of Lee County, for instance is of no value. I can see the coastal area the map.
If you don’t have a way to force lat/long, could you add that feature? The info is already in the system. An alternative to help might be to make the lat/long grid to smaller increment such as 25 minutes subgrid line rather than only whole degree line. Whole degree grid scale is too long an increment.