hi - I can no longer use currents as the interface for dragging dates has stopped working both on web and app version.
"errorID": "failed-to-render-legeng-color-table-missing-for-currents",
"timestamp": 1714997636109,
"runningMs": 499,
"type": "user",
"module": "Metric",
"msg": "Failed to render legeng. Color table missing for currents",
"line": null,
"col": null,
"url": "https://www.windy.com/-Currents-currents?currents,-7.888,-124.806,5,m:dxeacUC",
"script": null,
"ver": "42.1.3",
"target": "index",
"platform": "desktop",
"error": " undefined (unable to serialize object: Cannot convert undefined or null to object)",
"isOnline": true,
"size": "1440x900",
"latestBcast": "store: timestamp (155ms ago at 1714997635954)
store: availAcTimes (155ms ago at 1714997635954)
store: product ecmwf (155ms ago at 1714997635954)
store: startupWeatherShown (45ms ago at 1714997636064)
bcast: rqstOpen startup-articles (44ms ago at 1714997636065)"