@galfert Thanks to your comprehensive explanation, which helps me too. My PWS ist a clone of http://www.foshk.com/Wifi_Weatherstation/WS2900.html sold here as „Eurochron EFWS2900“. As I found out, there are many varieties of so called Wifi-PWS, which are primarily designed as stand alone systems. However, as soon as you want to look at some data collections, you will have to establish a wifi connection in order to send these data to at least one of the dedicated servers you mentioned here.
In order to connect these types of Wifi-PWS, the procedure is not so trivial. Fine Offset provides the App „WS View“ in Google play store or Apple App Store, which does the job. It first establishes the Wifi connection from the PWS to your home access point and has a set of predefined upload procedures for ecowitt.net, Wunderground, Weathercloud, WetherobservationWebsite, and finally a costumized procedure, which in itself chooses between two protocol types: Ecowitt or Wunderground.
After I decided to share my data, I thought, that it should be pretty easy to connect to my (for me as a sailor most valuable service) Windy: You have to enter the hostname, a path, which - in my idea - could harbour the Api-Key, a station ID and the station key. In addition a port number is required and the upload interval in seconds. But an error occures, which tells me the following:
Station ID & Key length : 40
Server length : 64
Path length : 64
Port Range : 0-65535
Interval Range : 16-600
So, path length is far too short for bearing the API-Key.
This is a pity!!
It would be nice, if either you adopt your interface to the limits of WS View, or come into contact with the Company in order to integrate another predefined procedure, which is suitable for Windy.
OTOH, as you offered the solution to install WeeWx on a Raspberry Pi, you hit my preferences perfectly!! For me it is much much much easier to handle with a Raspberry Pi than dealing with so many incompatible weather data exchange protocols, similar to the early stage of Compuserve Email (which I still know pretty well) you mentioned. Your point to WeeWx however, gives me the idea, that I could collect my data without the need of sharing. Thus, I better focus on my collection of RaspPis, fixing some issues for introducing my AIS device into OpenCPN and use Windy only for planning my sailing routes. And I should not „pollute“ these precious Windy data with my PWS.
At least, as long it is much too complicated for greenhorns like me.