I've noticed for awhile that radar is more optimistic than realistic at my location (USA zip 34653). Today it showed a couple cells come together slightly to my west and move eastward over me, as orange with a 1 in/hr estimate, yet no rain. Two radar frame updates showed this. Ambient Weather is showing there is light rain (not 1"/hr) about a mile to my East, but I didn't check other sources today (I have also noted differences to MyRadar in the past). I don't see any settings that affect the RADAR display smoothing (clouds yes, but radar no), but to me it seems there is a problem, either 1) location misalignment, 2) display smoothing having unexpected consequences, or 3) some behind the scenes decision about sensitivity or intensity.
Checking other posts I see one from 3 years ago with the opposite problem... no rain is shown when it is occurring, but not my issue of showing rain when there is none. Is there anything I can do on my side to improve the situation? Please try to fix this as I like all the other features, but something as simple as radar display needs to be reliable.
Premium member for a few years. Thanks.