@marekd @ivo
Another comment that I wanted to add.....
Again with VFR option, and in this case concerning Tstorms:
1/ The RH as a proxy for cloud may not always work for cellular convective situations. I have marked out specific regions where the EC model is indicating a line of TStorms on the Rain/Tstorm layer and the Cloud Top layer.....however the RH display in the Route slice only presents cloud below 6000ft. NB: this is consistent with the RH fields found within the area display when you ascend and descend through the available layers. The cloud top layer shows a distinct line of elevated cloud abv 50k ft and would be best avoided.
NOTE: I read in your comments that you will be attempting to add an IFR option for the upper level fields. Could you include a graphical feature OR a line along the bottom of the cross section highlighting "Cloud Top" values???
I would also support upper level isotach lines showing jet streams (80/120/160kt etc) and regions of significant vertical wind shear.
2/ A comment regarding the weather/rainfall along the cross section.....the users need to be aware that the rainfall towers/weather(in this case TS's) are for the previous 3hrs hours from the forecast time. I have highlighted this in top image. Just so the user is not critical of the model output when they see rain/weather at a distance point along the route following a weather system OR think that the weather system providing the precip is some x100km wide.
3/ The cloud base....I'm not a great fan of this field (cloud > SCT) when in the case of these tropical Tstorm situations (see above) the cloud base forecast is >8000-12000ft - which is not the case for this region. I like the addition of the DewPoint spread which as least gives an approximation potential cloud base (1-8 Oktas) -- DewPointSpreadx400ft - and again would be better suited to any VFR pilot.
AND finally.........I can see the benefit of "Relative Wind" vectors from a flight planning perspective. But I would also favour "Absolute Wind" vectors from a forecasting perspective. And the official forecasts are all in Real/Absolute wind directions which would make it easier to evaluate the Windy forecast against other official forecasts.
Thanks for the all the effort.........I look forward to utilising this feature.