@Korina Ok, I'll try again. Fingers crossed...

Posts made by stripeydog
RE: Credit card details hacked?
RE: Credit card details hacked?
@Korina I setup the subscription through the desktop application site.
Credit card details hacked?
Hi folks,
Something you may want to look into.
I recently entered my credit card details to take out a subscription. A couple of days later my bank closed the card after a transaction of $1 was attempted on the account.
Was this part of a regular payment process, or has someone able to get my details from your payment service?
Maybe including a Paypal payment method would be an idea.
We love Windy here in Tasmania.
Iain -
RE: Report your Weather Station Data to Windy
@TomSlavkovsky Many thanks. I'll get onto them. Keep up the great work.
RE: Report your Weather Station Data to Windy
Hi there,
Excellent web site.
I'm having trouble getting our Holfuy weather station data appearing. I have gone in and registered the three that are currently operating. However, when I go into see the station in Windy, I get the following message:Station pws-xxxxxxxx does not report any observations for given time period or we were unable to retrieve them
What am I doing wrong, or am I missing a step?