Great addition to the site/app! Are there any plans to add scatterometry wind vectors at some point? That, add adding the ability to change lat/lon setting to decimal degrees are top of my wish list.
Posts made by tcuser
RE: Windy launches Satellite layer
RE: Help us to test new Weather Radar overlay
Excellent Progress!! THANK YOU.
Suggestions -
- Ability to enter "mouse-over mode" (both in radar and model views) where you can get lat/lon coordinates and data values displayed in a box just by mousing over. Mouse tip in this mode should be a cross-hair for accuracy. Speaking of getting lat/lon coordinates - is there no setting available to change to decimal degree coordinates?? I can't find it if there is - and MUCH NEEDED!
- keep adding more radars, particularly in Asia! (China would be a great 'next-step').