Hi all,
At the moment I use 2 widgets, 1 rain radar and 1 detail widget. They are set to use my current location.
Somehow the widget keeps using an "old location" instead of my current when "auto refreshing" (manual refresh works fine).
A bit more detail:
I live in "A" and work in "B". Friday was the last time I was at work. However the widget keeps using location "B" instead of "A". Only if I press the small refresh button on the widgets they pop to "A". However there is a good chance that if I look in an hour or two the location (when the widget refreshes in the background) is back to "B".
App version: 33.0.5
Android version: 12, patch 5 November 2021
Phone: Google pixel 5
I have no clue why it would matter but my "do not disturb" mode is on. (Scheduled).
The internet connection is Wifi.
Battery usage is set to "optimized".
Everything else:
Device info:
"memUsed": 6373536,
"diskFree": 0,
"diskTotal": 868069376,
"model": "Pixel 5",
"operatingSystem": "android",
"osVersion": "12",
"platform": "android",
"manufacturer": "Google",
"isVirtual": false,
"name": "Pixel 5",
"webViewVersion": "95.0.4638.74"
About this version
Target: mobile.html
Version: 33.0.5
Built: 2021-10-15, 20:51
Your browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 12; Pixel 5 Build/SP1A.211105.002.A1; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/95.0.4638.74 Mobile Safari/537.36
WebGL particles: not
Let me know if you need anything else.