Thank you for the reply. Yes, I am familiar with customizing the color scale and the option of keeping the customize color scale screen open. It is just frustrating that Clouds is the only layer that does not display a color scale for the name of the layer.
It's like having the Temperature layer show the legend for Humidity and having to keep the Customize Color Scale window open in order to see the Temperature color scale.
I'll add a reason for my particular concern, besides wanting to see a screen the easily represents cloud cover: 8% of men (including me) are red-green color-blind or worse. And this category of color blindness makes red, green, and brown look alike, dark colors all look black, light colors all look white, pink and beige and light green look alike , chartreuse the same as orange, and purple looks the same as either red or blue depending on the specific purple. People like me have very poor "color memory" even for colors that we can distinguish when side-by-side. So having the color scale that represents the layer (Clouds in this case) automatically visible on the screen in an unobtrusive way is very important.
The ability to create custom color scales is very important since default scales usually make no consideration for color blindness and many web sites and apps provide no ability to choose custom color scales. The fact that Windy has customizable color scale is a bug plus, but the procedure that one must go through to change color scale is VERY tedious and could use some re-engineering.