radar is only running half it's normal loop. it's stuttering and restarts.
"errorID": "invalid-format-of-minifest",
"timestamp": 1708189006952,
"runningMs": 47816,
"type": "user",
"module": "Calendar",
"msg": "Invalid format of minifest",
"line": null,
"col": null,
"url": "https://www.windy.com/login?radar,25.769,-80.195,5",
"script": null,
"ver": "41.2.2",
"target": "index",
"platform": "desktop",
"error": " undefined (unable to serialize object: Cannot convert undefined or null to object)",
"isOnline": true,
"size": "1366x768",
"latestBcast": "store: userToken eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJtYWdpYyI6Mjk3LCJzdWJzY3JpcHRpb25UaWVycyI6WyJwcmVtaXVtIl0sInVzZXJJRCI6MzI2MTM2MCwiaWF0IjoxNzA4MTg5MDA3LCJleHAiOjE3MDgzNjE4MDd9.FMZdeRMourmn5izpQS0E5OLn8FjaM2oHs9uO3DdKFEc (32ms ago at 1708189006920)
store: user (31ms ago at 1708189006921)
store: subscriptionInfo (30ms ago at 1708189006922)
store: subscription premium (30ms ago at 1708189006922)
bcast: rqstClose login (21ms ago at 1708189006931)"
About this version
Target: index.html
Version: 41.2.2 (What's new)
Built: 2024-02-15, 08:03
Started: 2024-02-17T16:55:58.650Z (1m)
Your browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
WebGL particles: running