When I load the following URL the map immediately zooms out to the (default?) level 7 even though the URL specifies level 13:
It first loads at the correct zoome level but switches to level 7 before it's done loading.
This is really annoying because it also means that when I switch between forecast models the map zooms out again, making it really tedious to compare the models.
I am using chrome on Linux.
Thanks for looking into this!
Best posts made by tve
Zoom level in URL is lost when displaying detailed forecast
RE: How to prevent zoom out when clicking on "Forecast for this location"?
I second this. The frequent zoom-outs for a variety of actions are really really annoying!
RE: Zoom level in URL is lost when displaying detailed forecast
@marienka It baffles me that you would think of this as a feature not a bug. I specifically enter a zoom level in the URL and the first thing the site does is wipe out what I entered and switch zoom level. To add insult to injury, when I have the detailed forecast open in the bottom it centers the coordinates in the URL in what is visible of the map but then the + zoom button zooms in on the center of the window, which is lower, so after three clicks on the + button the point I specified wanders off-screen at the top. It's most user UNfriendly!
The compare feature is nice, but it doesn't change the vector field shown on the map (which is understandable)...
RE: How to prevent zoom out when clicking on "Forecast for this location"?
The frequent zooming out is by far the most annoying feature of Windy. Is there any way to get a setting to turn this off?
RE: Weather settings always resets
@BarboraSamkova What's the point of an app that is really fast at displaying something the user doesn't care about???