altitude with arôme would be great ! I agree with others, it's the most accurate in the french Alps, but for the rest of the Alps too: I m using it in Austria (sadly only for the west part) and Italy too.
And I say it as a paying member (it's the only application I pay for)
It would be easier for beginners to use windy, because nowadays I have to explain them how to get the wind in altitude with choosing the weather on the highest peak around. It's tricky so not accessible to beginners.
Plus I would love to have the possibility to chose arôme by default instead of the ecmwf model which is only good in flatlands.
In fact we should be able to choose the model order by preference (For me it would be 1 arôme, 2 icon D2, 3 ecmwf). So if I am in a place where arôme is not available, it switchs to icon.
I would be able to not have the ecmwf model completing the arôme d2 after 2 days on the 7 days view. For the completion after 48h, icon EU would be better than ecmwf. In last case (I don't see why we couldn't have completion with icon EU), even nothing would be better than completion with ecmwf.