I agree, this would be a very useful feature.
Posts made by uktim32
RE: Feature Request - Stay centered on your location while driving
Reported Dew Point
We have the option to display reported temperature, wind, can dew point also be added to this list as well? It would be useful for identifying features such as dry lines.
RE: Feature request - percentage calculations accuracy
The accuracy of the forecasts all depends on the models used. Adding extra stations won't change this.
RE: HRRR Sim Reflectivity
@idefix37 most models have simulated reflectivity as a product. Can this be added? I think a lot of people would find it useful.
RE: Wind speed limitation
I have noticed a lot of the scales for the colours at the bottom have the higher values missing.Would it be possible for the lower scales to be adjusted so they show the entire scale.
Models Reflectivity (rainfall rates)
Can we have reflectivity (rainfall rates) added as a model parameter?
I know we've got the rain/thunder option but I'm not quite sure what this is? When I look at for example GFS reflectivity on other platforms it doesn't match the rain/thunder option, the rain/thunder option on Windy appears less detailed than reflectivity on other platforms which is why I suspect it's a different product.
Radar Smoothing Optional
Hi would it be possible to have the smoothing as optional so we could view the raw data if we wanted a higher definition view of precipitation? I find although it looks nice the Windy smoothing is a little overdone. Radar Omega for example has a smoothing scale which would be the best option if possible. From no smoothing to pretty much what we've got at the moment.
RE: USA Radar
@TrWxMan your best bet would be to create your own colour table making all reflectivities lower than say 40dbz a neutral grey that is the same as the background map. Obviously it would be permanently like this if you did that.
Separate Color Table For Dew Point
Would it be possible to have a seperate color table for dew point added as currently it shares the normal temperature one.
RE: USA Radar
The vast majority will be weather enthusiasts who are only concerned about the surface. Perhaps it could be a premium option to chose your preference? I'm not a premium user yet although it's good that there's a community for suggestions. This is the sort of thing that even if it's a premium option would then make me upgrade. WSV3 although a windows only software has that option.
RE: Radar - Color customize scale
I've found your best exporting it into a text document. Do the editing in the text document then importing it back in.
RE: USA Radar
@Filip_K I think having definition of the reflectivity especially being able to see features such as hook echoes are more beneficial. Reflectivity that doesn't reach the surface I don't see the point in it being displayed. Most people use radar to see where precipitation is falling, if you go outside and it's dry buy your radar app is showing light rain then technically it's not really doing the job the average user wants as it's showing one thing when infact another is happening.
Personally I'm also a storm chaser so I prefer advanced features so even from a more advanced users perspective higher detail is what I'd want so again the hybrid scan option IMO is the better one to use.
USA Radar
Hi The USA radar data appears to use the composite version of the MRMS data. Is it possible the hybrid scan version could be used instead as this removes virga and also makes features like hook echoes clearer.
Radar Rendering Error At Over 65dbz
I've noticed this a couple of times in several different countries so it's not tied toa certain countries' radar. The bug is at over 65dbz Windys radar starts to display 65 or 70+ dbz as a hole.
Here is an example this storm was today in East Texas panhandle moving into Oklahoma .
You can see the hole in the middle at 65dbz and over.
Radar Omega displayed the storm correctly with no hole.