Hello, I can't find this detail on the route planner: obviously each waypoint is at a future point in time. Consequently, the weather will be different then. Can you set a time for each waypoint, or how does it know (if at all?), or do you just scroll through the weather-time bar? The only image I found, in the page about the planner, was too blurry to make it out so if it's clearer elsewhere, I'd be grateful to be pointed in that direction. Many thanks
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Router planner and time points
RE: wind barbs?
@idefix37 @idefix37 not specifically because of YOUR post, but general sentiment and demand and they might realise a percentage of customers want barbs.
I recently found this article, published in 2020, where they talk about barbs being a standard https://windy.app/blog/learn-to-read-wind-barbs.html - they state "it is a familiar format for displaying the wind to all meteorogists, yachtmen, and others. That's how it were drawn on the synoptic maps before, and so many people are used to seeing it. Now you can see wind barbs on digital maps, too." However, I can't find how to turn them on, if they're there at all. -
RE: wind barbs?
@idefix37 Looks that way. I found this from your post a couple of years ago ("idefix37 SAILOR MODERATOR 5 Oct 2021, 11:29
This feature is not available in Windy. Wind barbs have not been the choice of Windy developers.
This graphical way, to show both the direction and speed of wind, were specially useful when weather maps were printed in black, but much less with digital weather maps.
Wind barbs show the wind direction same as wind particles do in Windy. They don’t do it better.")
I hoped they'd changed their mind when I found this post... So lots of people here are expressing demand,Predictwind does it but according to Windy it's obsolete. IMO the particles don't quantitatively show the wind speed without having to click on their "more accurate" weather picker* whereas the barns show it at a glance. *is 1kt resolution actually relevant on a model anyway? Pah! -
RE: Barbs
@idefix37 it's what one is taught when learning meteorology. I'd like them as well. I use PredictWind more now as they offer wind feathers, but I don't like their colour gradient.