Yes please also for the Android App. It's a must-have for me as feature. The first thing I always do when I start the app - change the zoom level.
Best posts made by WindyWolle
RE: Save zoom level in iOS app
RE: confusing menu - time span - Android
@idefix37 said in confusing menu - time span - Android:
But this could be improved with a different appearance of this button, different from the 2 labels next to it.
Exactly what I mean. Both other buttons show the current setting and the time button shows what will happen - that's not a usual behavior for a user interface.
Latest posts made by WindyWolle
RE: Android App not really good missing features
For me the problem is now solved. I cancelnd the subscription of windy and I went back to Pflotsh as App and WarnWetter Widget from the DWD. This is a great working combination with stable UI. So forget my problems - but thanks for the time you spent trying to help me. -
RE: confusing menu - time span - Android
@idefix37 said in confusing menu - time span - Android:
But this could be improved with a different appearance of this button, different from the 2 labels next to it.
Exactly what I mean. Both other buttons show the current setting and the time button shows what will happen - that's not a usual behavior for a user interface.
RE: App always starts in “basic”
Same here, I also would like to configure that it starts with Meteogram.
confusing menu - time span - Android
the Android app has a confusing menu on the bottom. There are three menu points: Time - mode - model
Both mode and model show the current setting but time shows what happens when you click on the label. Why does the time no also show the current setting?
Thanks Wolfgang! -
RE: Android App not really good missing features
@korina said in Android App not really good missing features:
@windywolle Hello, I tried the steps, the flight mode causes you to log out from the app. To restore the saved ICON-D2 model, you will need to login again.
Thanks a lot for testing. I guess the best is I'll wait for the next release maybe the widget problems are gone. Is there already a release date?
Here I made a short video to explain another problem where you see that the model is not stored:
RE: Android App not really good missing features
@korina said in Android App not really good missing features:
@windywolle Hello, regarding our widgets, there are few exceptions and bugs, that are going to be solved with the next update. Models ECMWF, ICON a GFS will open app with this particular model, other models will fall back to ECMWF. At the same time, some models are also unavailable for certain locations.
If you are in a flight mode, widget will not update.
Regarding the flight mode (or let's better say a bad coverage of internet) I will say something different, because it's more than logical that a widget cannot update when there is no internet. The flight mode gives the possibility to make some test's instead of doing these test in a region with worse internet connection.
Please make the following test: Check that you have chosen ICON-D2 mode and that this setting is saved. Then switch to flight mode. Close the app (swipe it away that it is really closed). Then reopen the app it tries to connect to the internet but it is not able to reach the servers - then you get on the top of the app the message that ECMWF cannot be downloaded. Now leave the flight mode and now your setting with ICON-D2 is lost.
RE: Android App not really good missing features
@korina said in Android App not really good missing features:
@windywolle Hello, the settings works for me too. As already mentioned, zoom level cannot be modified or save at the moment. Therefore if you save the ICON-D2 model in settings, the map will show like this (zoomed out), but with the ICON-D2 model on. If you click on any area within the model's coverage, the detailed forecast will open with ICON-D2 preselected.
I did some testing in the past and I mentioned some things. I have two different widgets on my screen.
1: The Detail Widget: This had the setting ECMWF I now switched this to ICON-D2. It could be that on refresh of the widget that than the (global) settings changed. If yes I would say this is a bug.
2: The Radar Widget. There is no special setting about the model. But sometimes I have no internet connection e.g. flight mode over night or the bad signal at the office. Here I did some tests. When I switch to the flight mode and open the app I get a message that the ECMF model could not be retrieved because of being offline. So I guess, if I have no internet connection and e.g. the widget tries to refresh or if I open the app it switches back to ECMF.
The above situation seems to be reproducible.
RE: Android App not really good missing features
It's south Germany. When I start the app I see in the north Norway and in the south Africa. Wow 50km around me would be fine but not 5000km 😉Please see attached screenshot
RE: Android App not really good missing features
@korina said in Android App not really good missing features:
@windywolle If you have the ICON-D2 selected when selecting the "Use last overlay" option, it will save the layer and the model for your next use.
I am sorry you are wrong. When I close the app with ICON-D2 and I only see the area around where I life you are right this is saved in my settings. BUT when I start the app from new this app likes to show me a zoom level outside the coverage of ICON-D2 and now the app switches back to ECMWF.
RE: Android App not really good missing features
@korina said in Android App not really good missing features:
@windywolle Hello, the Use last overlay option will save the last used layer you have looked at. If you click on any other layer, the settings will change.
It is not possible to save the zoom level at the moment, but thank you for suggesting it.
Yes I did now understand it. Since it is not possible to define the zoom level on start, which could be the same as on exit, then it's absolutely senseless that the layer is saved when I prefer the Icon-D2 as layer.