I'll run the risk of also being insulted with a childish remark. To degrade a product in order to extort money is disreputable to say the least. Seems to be the desperate last gasps of a dying
corporate entity.
Shame on you windy.
I'll run the risk of also being insulted with a childish remark. To degrade a product in order to extort money is disreputable to say the least. Seems to be the desperate last gasps of a dying
corporate entity.
Shame on you windy.
I'm a pilot of a beat up old single engine fixed wing Aeronca 11ac -- built in 1946, rebuilt by me 10 years ago after reposing in boxes for 35 years. Folks get a real kick when I start it by hand. Each time I run the risk of removing an arm, or worse. But I love doing it.
Another thrill for any unfortunate passengers is when I demonstrate the aircraft's incredible resistance to stall. I've had her down to 31 kts ias, practically walking speed, but I digress...
It can be a lot of fun hanging things out there alright.
I also don't plan on listening to my better angels anytime soon.
This app makes it possible to fly while others have to sit at home, unfortunately relying on our national weather service that has trouble predicting more than 12 hours out. Heck, they get the past weather wrong! Windy helps me find calm holes in the sky, a must for an airframe that's more like an underpowered kite with severe adverse yaw characteristics. I will always be extremely grateful for that.
May luck remain your friend ivo, always. See you up there some time.
Windy is my go to weather app. Using it makes me look pretty clever, better than environment Canada that's for sure!
Many thanks
Of why I love Windy.
We had an intense cell of cold dry air push through this afternoon bringing strong winds and a great deal of electrical activity. Widespread power outages and debris everywhere. Environment Canada finally issued a warning, an hour after the system passed through.
Nailed it!
All the bad science vast amounts of money can't buy. Environment and climate change Canada. Averaging better than 40% hindcasting, in their models...
(In my best inspector Clouseau voice) I know that! :)
I saw an opening for a silly joke and leapt right in. I do that sometimes... I really oughta grow up some day, just not yet.