@dub said in Missing: Large hail forecast:
I'm no meteorologist, but it seems like nearly all the data required to drive a pretty good hail/tornado/high winds risk map is already in the system (you could probably do a decent first cut at this by just summing data from some of these layers and visualizing that, then playing with weights to tweak): Storm severity and coverage from Radar and Satellite, CAPE, Cloud Tops, Lightning, Icing, Winds at various altitudes, and Freezing Altitude. (The altitude-based ones may require some computation and flattening first.)
I would also imagine that it is possible to combine data/layers to have a 'Hail layer' created in-house by the Windy devs.
[Temperature - Rain - Icing - Freezing altitude - CAPRE index - etc]
You can see in the forums for years that users have been requesting it.
User would understand that it'll be trial and error at first BUT if Windy can nail this layer and it works well, I can guarantee you'll have a flood of users wanting to use the layer. Make it a premium feature too if need be.